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Nigerian weight loss meal plan for women

14-Day Nigerian Weight Loss Meal Plan for Women

Are you a woman looking for a detailed and result-oriented Nigerian meal plan? Well, look no further.

In this 14-day Nigerian weight loss meal plan, I’ll show you how to eat your best Nigerian foods while making choices that support your health.

I’m taking the wisdom of Nigerian grandmothers, the flair of Nigerian chefs, and the science of nutrition to create a plan that’s as effective as it is enjoyable.

So, whether you’re a proud daughter of Naija, a lover of Nigerian meals, or simply someone seeking a delicious path to weight loss, join me on this interesting post.

Let’s get started.

I’ve set the daily intake at 1500 calories, as this is the recommended calorie intake you need to lose 0.5-1 kg weekly.

I have created this Nigerian diet plan with the proper mixture of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and fiber, guaranteed to keep you feeling fuller, and on fewer calories without starving yourself.

Following this plan will lead to reduced body fat and will help you lose weight fast.

Side Note – To continue to lose weight at this pace, after a 1-month mark, you will have to reduce the above calorie intake again by 100-200 calories.

This is because, the more weight you lose, the harder it gets to lose even more.

How to Plan Meals for Weight Loss

When choosing or creating a meal plan, you should plan your meals based on your lifestyle and requirements. You should consider:

  • How much weight do you want to lose?
  • Your activity levels.
  • The pace at which you want to lose weight.
  • A timeline and a deadline to achieve your desired weight.
  • Your lifestyle. Are you always out? How often do you eat out with friends?
  • Specific times of the day you prefer to eat.
  • Do you prefer high volume, less tasty meals or eating small amounts of high calorie tastier foods?

Each person’s diet plan is going to be different due to people’s varying lifestyles and requirements.

When using a weight loss diet plan, you shouldn’t feel like you have to follow it to the T, you can edit it based on your specific requirements.

Tips When Personalizing a Meal Plan

Pay Attention to Ingredients

Grocery store shopping

When shopping for ingredients such as oils, salad dressings, snacks, and drinks, pay attention to their calorie value and pick the lowest option.

This makes sure you’re making your meals with lower-calorie ingredients.

Plan Ahead

Spend some time at the beginning of each week to plan out what you’ll eat on some meals, this helps curb impulsive taking out and the draining question of “What should I have for breakfast?”

Meal Prep

Meal Planning

Meal prepping is a huge time saver for people who don’t have the time to cook every day.

Choose one or two meals in the plan on a weekend and cook enough for the coming week.

Keep It Simple!

You don’t have to eat different, complex meals every day.

Eating the same foods on most days is completely fine, the simpler you keep your meal plan, the easier it is to stay consistent.

Track Your Meals.

Keeping a log of your meals is a great way to see clear results, make adjustments when you hit a plateau (The point where you stop losing weight), and hold yourself accountable.

These tips and considerations will help make sure you use this meal plan properly and customize it to fit your specific lifestyle.

Guidelines for This Meal Plan

I made this meal plan very specific and detailed, making it applicable and ensuring weight loss. This diet is not restrictive; you can still eat your favorite Nigerian foods in moderation.

The foods in this meal plan are calorie counted and measured, Use the guide below to properly understand portion sizes.

100g of cooked rice is 4 Heaping tablespoons.

  • 100g of cooked beans is 2.5 Heaping tablespoons.
  • 100g of Macaroni is 2 Heaping tablespoons.
  • 75g of Spaghetti is 1 full fork load.
  • 100g of Garri is 10 tablespoons.
  • 120g of sweet potatoes is half a medium-sized potato.
  • 120g of Irish potatoes is 1 medium-sized potato.
  • 1 chicken drumstick is 70-80g.
  • 100g of grilled fish is 2 medium pieces.
  • A piece of protein is 1 medium-sized meat.

Wherever you see + followed by a number, that is the remaining calories for the day you can either eat, have a 330ml drink, save for another day, or just go on a lower deficit.

Check out my post on Nigerian low-calorie snack ideas for snacks you can add to the meal plan.

Ready? Let’s get into what you came for!

Day 1

Breakfast (379 calories)

  • Banana smoothie – 2 medium bananas, 3 dates or 1 tbsp honey, and 100ml milk

Lunch (510 calories)

  • 250g Jollof rice with 80g grilled chicken

Dinner (513 calories)

  • 400g Boiled sweet potatoes with 1 boiled egg, and 5 tbsp of stew/sauce

Daily Total: 1402 calories + 100 

Day 2

Breakfast (310 calories)

  • 50g of Oatmeal with 1 tbsp sugar, and 30 ml of evaporated milk or 2 tbsp of powdered milk

Lunch (624 calories)

  • 250g Beans Porridge and 60g of Garri with 1 tbsp sugar

Dinner (440 calories)

  • 70g Indomie with 1 boiled egg

Daily Total: 1374 calories + 100

Day 3

Breakfast (474 calories)

  • 350g Boiled Irish potato with 5 tbsp of stew, and 1 boiled egg

Lunch (658 calories)

  • 300g White rice and beans, with 1 piece protein, and stew/sauce

Dinner (280 calories)

  • Fruit Salad – Watermelon, Pineapple, apple – 1 bowl

Daily Total: 1412 calories + 100

Day 4

Breakfast (480 calories)

  • 1 Wrap Moi-Moi with (2 slices of bread, plain coffee/tea) or (Pap/Akamu)

Lunch (520 calories)

  • 250g Jollof whole-wheat spaghetti, and 1 piece protein

Dinner (550 calories)

  • 350g Boiled sweet potatoes with egg sauce (2 eggs with minimal fat)

Daily Total: 1550 calories

Day 5

Breakfast (526 calories)

  • 1 Indomie 70g with 1 boiled egg and 1 sausage

Lunch (270 calories)

  • 500 ml Yogurt

Dinner (600 calories)

  • 4 Sticks of beef suya, with 1 masa

Daily Total: 1396 calories + 100

Day 6

Breakfast (440 calories)

  • 250g Beans porridge with 1 slice of bread

Lunch (370 calories)

  • 200g Grilled fish with 250g boiled potatoes

Dinner (517 calories)

  • 250g Jollof rice with 1 piece of protein

Daily Total: 1327 calories + 150

Day 7

Breakfast (430 calories)

  • 75g of Oats with 1 tbsp sugar, and 30 ml of evaporated milk or 2 tbsp of powdered milk

Lunch (200 calories)

  • Lettuce and egg salad with 1 tbsp salad cream


  • Cheat Meal “Reward yourself but don’t overdo it.”

Daily Total: 630 calories. You’re left with about 900 calories to eat whatever you want! That’s one large shawarma, 2.5 slices of pizza, or Burger and fries.

Day 8

Breakfast (520 calories)

  • Egg sandwich – 3 Slice bread, 1 tbsp mayonnaise, and 2 boiled eggs, with plain tea

Lunch (533 calories)

  • 250g Jollof Rice and Beans with 80g of protein

Dinner (359 calories)

  • 1 Wrap Moi-Moi and 100g Grilled Fish

Daily Total: 1412 calories + 100

Day 9

Breakfast (280 calories)

  • Fruit Salad – Watermelon, Pineapple, apple – 1 bowl

Lunch (624 calories)

  • 250g Beans porridge, 60g of Garri with 1 tbsp sugar

Dinner (550-650 calories)

  • 1 Wrap Swallow with Okra soup

Daily Total: 1454- 1554 calories

Day 10

Breakfast (379 calories)

  • Banana smoothie – 2 medium bananas, 3 dates or 1 tbsp honey and 100ml milk

Lunch (560 calories)

  • 200g White Rice with 4 tbsp stew, lettuce salad, and 70g protein

Dinner (450 calories)

  • 1 bowl of Chicken or Goat meat pepper soup

Daily Total: 1389 calories + 100

Day 11

Breakfast (506 calories)

  • 400g Boiled sweet potatoes, 5 tbsp stew, and 1 boiled egg

Lunch (580 calories)

  • 300g boiled ofada rice and beans with 5 tbsp of stew, and 70g protein

Dinner (280 calories)

  • Fruit Salad – Watermelon, Pineapple, apple- 1 bowl

Daily Total: 1366 calories + 150

Day 12

Breakfast (280 calories)

  • 550ml Yogurt

Lunch (300 calories)

  • 200g Cauliflower fried rice with 100g protein

Dinner (924 calories)

  • 400g fried chips, with 150g grilled chicken

Daily Total: 1504 calories

Day 13

Breakfast (630 calories)

  • 250g Beans porridge with 1 fried finger of plantain

Lunch (280 calories)

  • Chicken, with Lettuce and egg salad – 1 bowl

Dinner (600 calories)

  • 1 wrap Eba or Tuwo with vegetable soup and 70g protein

Daily Total: 1510 calories

Day 14

Breakfast (310 calories)

  • 50g of Oatmeal with 1 tbsp sugar, and 30 ml of evaporated milk or 2 tbsp of powdered milk

Lunch (250 calories)

  • 1 Wrap Moi-Moi


  • Cheat Meal “Reward yourself but don’t overdo it.”

Daily Total: 560 calories. You’re left with over 900 calories to eat whatever you want!

This might all seem a bit confusing at first if you’re new to the world of calories, but if you stick with this meal plan long enough, it will get clearer, and you will see rapid results.

Remember you must be reasonable and honest with yourself.

If you add a few more spoonsful of food to your plate then the calorie increases, wherever you see 1 piece of protein in the meal plan, and you decide to choose the fattest meat in the pot, the calorie increases, if you eat too much on the cheat meal, you can potentially wipe out your previous day’s diet efforts.

Check out Does Weight Loss Reduce Breast Size?

Should You Take Drinks During a Diet?

So far, I haven’t mentioned anything about drinks. Do you have to cut them out completely during a diet?

That would be ideal, but I doubt many of us would continue for long with that type of restriction.

It is suggested that you take 2-3 drinks at most per week if you want to lose weight quickly.

Here are some low-calorie drinks you take during your diet.

  • Sans Cream Soda
  • Chivita Iced Tea
  • Diet Coke

Final Words

And there you have it, my detailed High-protein, low-carb Nigerian meal plan designed to achieve immediate and long-lasting weight loss results.

As I conclude this article, remember that this meal plan is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s a starting point, depending on your metabolism and BMI, you may have to eat less or more.

Nigerian food is diverse, and so are your tastes and needs. Feel free to make adjustments, personalize your meals, and explore the delicious world of local ingredients.

I’ve shared tips on personalizing your meal plan, from paying attention to ingredients and meal prepping to keeping it simple and tracking your meals.

These practices will empower you to make the most of this plan and customize it to your specific lifestyle.

And what about drinks during your diet? I’ve suggested low-calorie options that allow you to enjoy the occasional beverage without derailing your progress.

Ready to embark on this exciting journey towards a healthier, happier you? I hope you’ve found inspiration, guidance, and a taste of the wonderful flavors of Nigeria in this meal plan.

Faysal Tahir
Faysal Tahir
Articles: 74

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